Welcome to www.ciobanasu.com

I am currently completing my Ph.D. in Economic Sciences at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest

Below you can find some of my research projects for download.

Please feel free to use parts of these documents in your works.

However, I must ask that you to insert my work in your references and bibliography and notify me by e-mail informing me about how you used it.

I will continue to post more documents as I complete my research.

Here you can download my Intermediary Research Project - September 2009 with the title: "The impact of the economic crisis on the International banking system and on the marketing and management strategies, and the path of Romania towards the adoption of the Euro currency".

Here you can download my Final Research Project - July 2010 with the title: "Management and Marketing Strategies in the Banking Sector".


Below are the articles in English:

Development Perspectives in the European Banking sector - 2015 - download here - or see on www.nextworkforum.it

Perspectives for reforming the International Banking Sector - download here - FEBRUARY 2013

Reforming the banking sector in Europe - download here - NOVEMBER 2012 presented at the 4th International Conference on the Future of Europe: Rethinking Strategies in Emerging Economies

Management Strategies in the Banking Sector - download here or from the link to the publisher BEMAN ASE 2012

Sovereign Debt in the EU - download here or from the link to the publisher ROMANIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL - DECEMBER 2011


And the articles in Romanian:

Agentiile de rating si criza financiara internationala - download here - in Tribuna Economica nr. 9 / 2012

Strategii de management in sectorul bancar - download here - in Tribuna Economica nr. 47 / 2011

Datoria suverana a statelor europene - download here - in Tribuna Economica nr. 51-52 / 2011

Copyright © 2011 - 2015 Octavian Ciobanasu